Plot Summary
The story centers around the life of Ana, a young doctor who has been working tirelessly in a hospital during the pandemic. Due to the nature of her job, she has been keeping herself away from her family and the people she loves to avoid putting them at risk of getting infected. As the pandemic continues, Ana becomes overwhelmed and longs for the comfort of her family, especially her mother's embrace. Meanwhile, Ana's mother, Isabel, is struggling with her own fears and anxieties. She desperately wants to be with her daughter but is afraid of getting infected due to her age and underlying medical conditions. Despite this, Isabel makes a bold decision to travel to Ana's city to surprise her. The story takes us through the journey of Ana and Isabel as they navigate their fears and anxieties and learn to lean on each other for support. As they spend time together, they realize the importance of physical touch and the impact it has on our mental and emotional well-being.Book Details
If you're looking for a heartwarming and emotional read, Hasta Que Podamos Abrazarnos is the perfect choice. Here are some book details to help you get started:Title | Hasta Que Podamos Abrazarnos |
Author | Erika Martínez |
Genre | Fiction |
Publisher | Planeta Publishing |