Que Creemos: A Book Review

Are you curious about the beliefs of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church? If so, "Que Creemos" is the perfect book for you. This book, originally written in English and translated into Spanish, explains the fundamental beliefs of the Adventist Church in a clear and concise manner. In this article, we will provide a book review of "Que Creemos" to give you an idea of what to expect.

Book Details

TitleQue Creemos
AuthorSeventh-Day Adventist Church
PublisherReview and Herald Publishing Association

Chapter Summaries

Chapter 1: "Las Sagradas Escrituras"

This chapter explains the Adventist belief in the Bible as the only rule of faith and practice. It covers topics such as the inspiration and authority of the Bible, the canon, and the interpretation of Scripture.

Chapter 2: "La Trinidad"

Here, the book discusses the Adventist view of the Trinity, including the unity and diversity of the Godhead, the role of each member of the Trinity, and the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Chapter 3: "Dios Padre"

This chapter focuses on the Adventist belief in God the Father, including His attributes, His role in creation, and His relationship with humanity.

Chapter 4: "Dios Hijo"

Here, the book discusses the Adventist belief in Jesus Christ, including His divinity, His humanity, His role in salvation, and His second coming.

Chapter 5: "Dios Espíritu Santo"

This chapter covers the Adventist belief in the Holy Spirit, including His role in creation, inspiration, and sanctification.

Chapter 6: "La Creación"

Here, the book discusses the Adventist belief in the literal six-day creation as described in Genesis, including the role of God, the nature of humanity, and the relationship between humans and the rest of creation.

Chapter 7: "La Naturaleza del Hombre"

This chapter covers the Adventist view of human nature, including the image of God, the fall of humanity, and the nature of sin.

Chapter 8: "La Gran Controversia"

Here, the book discusses the Adventist belief in the cosmic conflict between good and evil, including the origin of evil, the role of Satan, and the ultimate triumph of God.

Chapter 9: "La Vida, Muerte y Resurrección de Cristo"

This chapter focuses on the Adventist belief in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, including His ministry on earth, His sacrificial death, and His victory over death.

Chapter 10: "La Experiencia de la Salvación"

Here, the book discusses the Adventist view of salvation, including the nature of sin, the role of faith and works, and the process of sanctification.

Chapter 11: "La Iglesia"

This chapter covers the Adventist belief in the church, including its nature, its mission, and its organization.

Chapter 12: "El Remanente y Su Misión"

Here, the book discusses the Adventist belief in the remnant church, including its identity, its mission, and its relationship with other Christian churches.

Chapter 13: "La Unidad en el Cuerpo de Cristo"

This chapter focuses on the Adventist belief in unity within the body of Christ, including the role of diversity, the importance of reconciliation, and the need for mutual accountability.

Chapter 14: "El Matrimonio y la Familia"

Here, the book discusses the Adventist view of marriage and family, including the biblical ideal, the challenges of modern society, and the importance of nurturing healthy relationships.


1. Is "Que Creemos" only for Seventh-Day Adventists?

While the book is written from an Adventist perspective, it can be useful for anyone interested in learning about the beliefs of this denomination.

2. Is "Que Creemos" an easy read?

Yes, the book is written in clear and accessible language, making it easy for readers of all ages to understand.

3. Where can I buy or download "Que Creemos"?

You can purchase "Que Creemos" online or at your local Adventist bookstore. The book is also available for download in various digital formats.


Review and Herald Publishing Association. (2002). Que Creemos. Retrieved from https://www.rhpa.org/

Overall, "Que Creemos" is an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning about the beliefs of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Whether you are an Adventist looking to deepen your understanding of your faith, or a curious reader seeking to learn more about this denomination, this book is a valuable addition to your library.

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